Beginning in Budapest

Kissing the plane is an omen of good luck for a flight, or so they say. So as I stepped onto the plane, my backpack on my back and my friend Skylar by my side I kissed my hand and pressed it to the planes exterior.

When I originally decided to study abroad I was worried about leaving my friends and family for so long. Luckily for me, Skylar was easily convinced to escort me to my semester abroad. After months of debating where we should go and how long we could afford to travel for, we decided to spend 10 days split between Budapest, Hungry and Prague, Czech Republic.

So we booked our tickets, picked out some hotel rooms and I threw myself a bon voyage party. Leaving can be sad, but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t thrilled to be beginning my semester abroad.

Three suitcases, two flights and one day later, we made it to Budapest, Hungry. Spending the day exploring the Gozsdu-udvar area was a good way to keep us busy. We walked around district VII and V of Budapest and somehow managed to stumble into St. Stephen’s Basilica.

All in all, the day was good and the night was still young. Cheers!

I spent September to December of 2019 studying abroad at the University of Essex. Throughout my time there, I managed to explore nine countries, all while sticking to a tight budget as a college student. Check out more of my blogs here.

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