Budapest: The Pest side

Our feet hurt, but who cares.

So far we’ve managed our way through most social interactions here in Budapest, Hungry. Most locals speak English and are willing to help us figure everything out, and for that, we are very thankful.

Here are a few things we’ve managed to learn, with only slightly embarrassing stories to back them up:

  • The tram line can be confusing, but the cheap 24-hour pass makes it worth the adventure.
  • A waiter will never bring your check to the table, so make sure you ask for it yourself or you’ll be there a while.
  • Some places don’t accept card, so make sure you have some spare Hungarian Forint on hand. It’s easy enough to use, its around 300 ft to 1 USD.
  • The corner market stores sell the best bread! It’s so good, get the one that has cheese on it, and it will become your new favorite snack for long walks around the city.
  • Budapest isn’t very confusing to get around, but you can get lost looking at all the views and end up on the other side of where you planned to be… very quickly.
  • Finally, no one goes to the clubs, pubs, ruin bars, or wherever serves your favorite drink till past midnight… we were early to the party here. If you go early, your long night just got longer.

The Danube River

Europe’s second longest river, the Dunube, seperates Buda and Pest. If your on the hilly side then you’re in Buda, and if the ground is as flat as Kansas, you’re in Pest. The green bridge connecting the two, is Liberty Bridge.

Hungarian Parliament Building

Our timing was impeccable here. Somehow, Skylar and I managed to see the changing of the guard at the Hungarian Parliament Building during the afternoon. Once again, we wandered a little too far, around a few too many streets, and found a perfect seat to watch the show.

Grand Central Market

We got there early, and we still didn’t beat the crowd. This lively market was filled with fresh produce, an abuncance of smells from local vendors selling their food, and lots of souvenirs. The bottom main area was filled with foods, while the top consisted of mainly goods for sale.

We also decided that it would be a good idea to check out some of Budapest’s ruin bars… it was a good idea. We went to Fogas/Instant and also Szimpla Kert during the night. Go early, and stay late, and make sure to get a slice of pizza on the walk back.

Last thing, I absolutely adore the large window our room has here, it is a prime people-watching and wine sipping location. Okay, bye!

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