About Sunriser Club

My name is Jordan and I’m the founder of Sunriser Club.

Sunriser Club promotes realistic travel experiences and mindful living, helping you elevate your once in a lifetime adventures and day-to-day life.

why i love being a sunriser

During college I was a complete insomniac and loved sleeping till noon. However, once joining the workforce, I finally realized my most productive self can be found in the early morning hours. Similar to my previous night owl tendencies, morning people often find that they can be more productive while the world is a little quieter, a little darker, just before the sunrise.

Currently I live in Colorado, USA where I get to spend my days hiking, skiing and planning my next adventure. Since moving here I’ve created the my own freelancing content management and writing business.

I’m an advocate for sustainable travel and environmentally conscious companies, rooted in my lifelong love for the great outdoors. Since beginning my travels, I’ve been to 30 National Parks in the U.S. and Canada and 15 countries. There is so much left to see, and I hope you’ll follow along and catch a some sunrises of your own.

A Passion for Travel

My travel doesn’t take place on private yachts, luxury hotels or even that nice of restaurants. But I do think how I travel helps me fully experience both the great outdoors and urban locations.

So, how do I travel? One of my favorite ways to travel is via a classic road trip. Grab the snacks, cue a playlist and hit the road. Camping and outdoor adventure take up most of my budget these days but I previously studied abroad and did my fair share of jaunting across Europe.

I enjoy active travel and tend to fill my days with activities like hiking to the view, taking a city bike tour or following a walking guide. I also believe you don’t have to spend thousands of dollars to make millions of memories (which is a cute way of saying, I’m on a budget).

Splashed in between my travel posts you’ll find other topics, I’m still finding my groove but I hope you’ll stay tuned.

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